AirPura G600 air purifier equipped...
Austin Air HM250 HealthMate Plus Junior Air Purifier the compact edition of Austin Air HealthMate Plus air purifier with Superblend is ideal Austin Air purifier for abatement of VOCs and other specific chemicals in smaller areas under 750 sq. ft.
Austin Air Baby's Breath the variant of Austin Air Allergy Machine Junior air purifier features Austin Air Baby's Breath distinctive bright colors and helps maintain clean air in baby's room to protect infants from indoor air pollution.
AirPura R600W (R700W) the equivalent of AirPura R600 All Purpose portable air purifier provides effective air purification in a whole house or office area under 2000 sq. ft.
AirPura H600W (H700W) is a whole house version of AirPura H600 Allergy Relief air purifier. AirPura H600W provides continuous air filtration of all allergens and dust in the whole house to bring Relief to allergy and asthma sufferers.
AirPura V600W (V700W) is a whole house version of AirPura V600 VOC removal air purifier. AirPura V600W provides a continuous abatement of VOCs and Specific Chemicals in a whole house up to 2000 sq. ft.
AirPura UV600W (UV700W) is the whole house version of AirPura UV600 Pathogen suppression air purifier. AirPura UV600W utilizes the Superior sterilization power of AirPura Germicidal UV bulb for effective airborne pathogen suppression in a whole house under 2000 sq. ft.
AirPura F600W (F700W) is the whole house version of AirPura F600 Formaldehyde removal portable AirPura air purifier for effective removal of Formaldehyde in a Whole house up to 2000 sq. ft.
AirPura I600W (I700W) Large Scale Allergen Removal Whole House Air Purifier features the AirPura I600W oversize HEPA filter for Large Scale Allergens and Dust Air Filtration in the Whole House.
AirPura P600W (P700W) is a whole house version of AirPura P600 Photocatalytic Oxidation portable Airpura air purifier for the most comprehensive Whole House Air Purifivation.
AirPura H600 features the AirPura H600 Premium True HEPA filter and a powerful AirPura motor/fan making the AirPura H600 an ideal air purifier for bringing relief to Allergy and Asthma sufferers in large open areas under 2000 sq. ft. Discontinued Item. Use AirPura R600 / R700 instead.
AirPura UV600 fitted with AirPura UV600 Germicidal Ultraviolet (UV) bulb achieves a superior rate of airborne pathogen suppression which makes the AirPura UV600 indispensable air purifier for individuals with severe respiratory impairments and illnesses.
AirPura V600 air purifier featuring large amount of AirPura V600 specialty VOC adsorbent along with AirPura True HEPA filter and a powerful motor is a superb AirPura VOC abatement air purifier for large areas under 2000 sq. ft.