AirPura UV600W (UV700W) is the whole...
AirPura I600W (I700W) Large Scale Allergen Removal Whole House Air Purifier features the AirPura I600W oversize HEPA filter for Large Scale Allergens and Dust Air Filtration in the Whole House.
AirPura I600 features the AirPura I600 exclusive oversize True HEPA filter for large scale allergen removal, which makes the AirPura I600 an ideal air purifier for severe Allergy and Asthma sufferers and for diverse Healthcare air cleaning applications.
Amaircare 7500 AirWash Cart Extra powerful Heavy duty Amaircare air purifier features the Amaircare 7500 AirWash Cart Dual air filtration systems making Amaircare 7500 AirWash Cart the ultimate Super Heavy duty air purifier.Discontinued! Get AirWash MultiPro BOSS instead.
Amaircare 6000V AirWash Cart is the Amaircare Heavy Duty Cart mounted air purifier with the Amaircare 6000V HEPA and Carbon filters for a wide variety of commercial, institutional and industrial air cleaning applications.Discontinued! Get AirWash MultiPro or AirWash MultiPro BOSS instead.
AirPura G600DLX air purifier is the AirPura G600 supercharged with AirPura G600DLX colossal amount of German Odorless Carbon making AirPura G600DLX a top choice AirPura air purifier for Severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.