Catalog Filters
Amaircare 93-A-08ST00-MO Standard...
AirPura T600W (T700W) is a whole house version of AiirPura T600 Tobacco smoke removal portable AirPura air purifier for enhanced removal of Tobacco Cigarette and Cigar smoke in a whole house.
AirPura T600DLXW (T700DLXW) is a whole version of AirPura T600DLX Heavy Tobacco smoke portable air purifier for extra efficient removal of Heavy Tobacco smoke in a whole house.
AirPura I600W (I700W) Large Scale Allergen Removal Whole House Air Purifier features the AirPura I600W oversize HEPA filter for Large Scale Allergens and Dust Air Filtration in the Whole House.
AirPura P600W (P700W) is a whole house version of AirPura P600 Photocatalytic Oxidation portable Airpura air purifier for the most comprehensive Whole House Air Purifivation.